March 25, 2025

Came across an interesting article of Donna Rice Hughes’ testimony from Today’s Christian Woman, September/October 1996…

Enough Is Enough: Donna Rice Hughes
“But mostly I was angry at myself for being so stupid, for straying so far from my Christian faith. I hadn’t realized how easy it was to be lured by the glamour of the world. When I read Chuck Colson’s book Born Again, I was startled to hear he considered himself no better than the people who’d slain the Christians in the Coliseum. I thought, I’m not that bad. I’d never kill anybody. But God used that book to show me I was still defensive about my own sin. I had to learn sin really is acting independent of God, choosing your own way over his. “

Now Donna is working for Enough is Enough, an organization to fight internet porn, as their national spokesperson.

She mentions that “the largest consumers of pornography are boys, aged twelve to seventeen.” I don’t doubt it. Probably also between the hours of 3 and 6 PM when there is no adult supervision.

She also notes that “it’s the third largest moneymaker for organized crime, second only to gambling and drugs.”