March 26, 2025

From Richard Wurmbrand:

One of the greatest beauties of the Bible is the fact that two
verses do not exist in it. First of all, there exists in the Bible
no verse in which Jesus asks anyone: “What sins did you commit? How
many? Under what circumstance? With whom? Tell me if your sins were
small offences, or huge crimes.” Rather the Bible tell us Jesus went
from person to person saying, “Be of good cheer son; be of good
cheer, daughter; your sins are forgiven” without inquiring what these
sins had been. Neither does He ask you about your past.

Second, there is not one instance in the Bible in which someone
apologized to Jesus or asked forgiveness. After the Last Supper, all
apostles except John had fled; Peter had denied Him. When they met
the resurrected Lord, it would have been nice if they had said, “We
are sorry.” They did not. This was because whoever looks into the
face of Jesus sees on it so much understanding and love he can be
sure beforehand that “he forgives everything.” Christ wishes to save
me much more than I wish to be saved. He wishes me to be in heaven
much more than I wish to go there. A man must run fast to run away
from God, who is after him with His blessings.

Rely on these two verses which are not in the Bible. Believe that
He does not hold your sins against you and that His utmost desire is
to forgive you. -Richard Wurmbrand