Drought conditions in the US:
- 49 percent of the contiguous United States was in moderate to extreme drought
- The past 12 months were the driest August through July on record in four southeastern states (Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia) and two Rocky Mountain states (Colorado and Wyoming)
- More than 75 percent of range and pastures were classified as poor to very poor in five western states (Nebraska, Colorado, California, Wyoming and South Dakota)
- Precipitation was significantly below average in 27 states in July
Drought Information Center – NOAA
US Drought Monitor – USA Today
Drought Affects Half of the Contiguous States
Forecast for Future: Deluge and Drought – NY Times
US Drought Monitor
Drought Monitoring – NOAA
Water Watch – USGS
Keetch-Byram Drought Index
US Seasonal Drought Outlook – NOAA
GeoMac – Wildfire map
Drought in Arizona, other regions killing birds of prey – Tucson
Drought in Colorado may change state’s ecology forever
Georgia Drought
Drought worsens in 16 counties
How Long Will Drought Last?
North Carolina:
Towns are still dry, despite a little rain
Officials: Drought could turn to disaster
Utah faces worst drought since Great Depression
Heavy rain soaks region but won’t relieve drought
Officials in Virginia weigh worsening drought conditions
Wyoming in drought aid program