March 26, 2025

Java Management eXtenstions:
– A universal, open technology for management and monitoring that can be deployed wherever management and monitoring are needed.
– A simple, light-weight, standard way to instrument Java objects.
– Provides application management for application servers, web applications, and stand alone apps.
– Exposes portions of JMS and EJB components to a management console.
– Allows monitoring of application servers.
– Allows runtime environment configuration.
– Management consoles can communicate with remote JMX agents and their MBeans through RMI, Jini, TCP/IP, or HTTP.
– JMX agents are containers that provide core management services which can be dynamically extended by adding JMX resources.
– A JMX Agent is composed of an MBean server, a set of MBeans representing managed resources, and at least one protocol adaptor or connector.
– A MBean server is a registry for MBeans in the agent.
– An MBean (managed bean) is an object that exposes a management interface to a management console.
– MBeans can both send and receive notifications.
– Objects outside a JMX agent can receive notifications.

JMX Home
JMX Whitepaper
JMX and J2EE Servers
Standard MBeans and JMX
JMX in Action