March 25, 2025

One of the things that really sets me off is when someone cuts in front of my car. Especially after I’ve waited a long time in line and someone wants to just pull over into my lane at the last minute. The other day, I noticed out of the corner of my eye that someone was trying to pull in front of me. The trick is not to maintain any eye contact and to stay right behind the car in front. But the person opened the window and stuck out her arm. Then looked at me and said, “Are you going to let me in?!” She caught me off guard with this tactic and I reluctantly waved her in. I wanted to open my window and say, “What gives you the right to just pull into MY lane when I’ve been waiting for FIFTEEN minutes! Go to the BACK of line lady!!” My wife says I should’ve responded with a cheery, “No, no, no, by the hair on my chiny-chin, chin.” I sometimes just want to have my paintball gun in my backseat handy and just blast away at whoever pulls in front of me. Then I think that’s probably something Jesus would not do. So, if I’m in a real spiritual mood, I pray for peace for me and the driver that pulled in front of me… and also throw in that God would take vengence on that person.