March 25, 2025

We are starting to homeschool our kids. We’re not using any particular curriculum yet, so when I saw someone selling the Robinson Curriculum for $100, I immediately took up on the offer. Yesterday the CDs came. It’s 22 CDs in a nice metallic holder. The curriculum is a complete 12 year curriculum (except math). So even at the retail price of $195, it’s a great bargain. I found out about it through Gary North’s endorsement of it, which he’s referred to several times in his newsletters. The “catch” with the curriculum is that you have to print out the material from your computer. But, even if we decide to not use it later, it’s still a valuable resource. Just one month of violin lessons is more expensive than what I paid for the Robinson Curriculum.

Robinson Curriculum
Robinson Books
Robinson Forum
Robinson Curriculum Resources
Robinson Curriculum Review
Joyful Light
Education in the US – wikipedia