March 25, 2025

Last Friday, I attended the High Tech Ministries Prayer Breakfast. I’ve heard about it for many years, but it was the first time I went.

Some thoughts on it:
– There are a ton of people there. Around 1000 attendees.
– It’s invitation only. So, you’ll need to know a table host to get in.
– Everyone wore a suit. Glad I decided to wear one.
– It’s not a great networking event. Way too big to be able to network.
– It’s not a prayer event. They should drop the “Prayer” out of the name.
– It’s a good event to reach out to lost people. They share the gospel, but don’t have altar calls or make people raise their hands.
– Breakfast wasn’t too bad. Even had fresh squeezed orange juice.
– Gave out a nice free t-shirt.
– I couldn’t see the connection of the founder, Bill Leonard, with technology. As far as I can tell, he’s in real estate.
– It was well run. It was obvious they spent a lot of time and money and energy into the event.
– It’s an event worth going to at least once.

2008 High Tech Prayer Breakfast videos