March 25, 2025

A word to all you recruiters that wish to contact me.

First, I thank you for your interest in me. More than likely, you found my resume on Google or LinkedIn and think I’m a potential match for a position. But, since I get about a dozen emails a day from recruiters, there is no way that I can respond to them all. Actually, I rarely respond to any of them since it would take up too much of my time.

Second, I’m on a one-year contract position that will end on May 2012. So, there’s no way that I’ll be leaving my position until then. It doesn’t matter how attractive you think your position is. I value sticking to a commitment rather than jumping to an attractive opportunity.

Right now, I’m compiling a list of emails that I’ll be going through when my current contract is up. If you wish to be on that list, you’ll need to make your email stand out from all the rest.

If you send me an email, I generally will look at it for 3 seconds and decide what to do with it. If you simply say “I’ve got a position that would fit you”, then it gets deleted. If you give the full job description, pay, location, benefit package, and brief description of the company, then it’s more likely I’ll keep your email.

If you are an internal recruiter and open to hiring in the May 2012 timeframe, then you’ll be quite likely to get a response from me. Please send me a detailed description of the company and the position and the pay range.

If your position is outside of Atlanta, there is practically a zero percent chance that I’m interested. Probably the only way that I would be willing to move is that the relocation package includes buying my house outright.

For everyone, I might not respond to you by email, but we can still link up on LinkedIn.

Thanks again for your interest in me.

Update on 2/29/2012:

My contract with T-Mobile has been verbally extended til the end of 2012. So, I will not be available until the end of the year.

Also, the number of emails I receive from recruiters has dramatically increased lately. Now, it is impossible for me to respond to any of them and they will all get automatically filed away. If you really wish to contact me, use the contact form link in the left hand menu of this page.