January 28, 2025

Coronavirus cases top 200,000
Coronavirus has now spread to all 50 states and DC, US death toll passes 100
Thousands line up for first drive-thru coronavirus testing

Fed cuts rate to 0, starts QE
Reserve requirements cut to zero
Fed Establishes Currency Swaps With 9 Central Banks
Fed backstops money markets
Fed backstops municipal bonds
Dow drops 3,000 points on Monday
10-year Treasury yield sees biggest one-day drop since March 2009 after Fed’s emergency actions
NYSE to temporarily close floor
Dow closes below 20,000
1 and 3 month Treasuries hit negative rates
Paper and physical gold price decouple
Unemployment claims skyrocket
ECB announces €750 billion Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme
Oil hits 18-year low
Companies suspend earnings forecast
Manufacturing orders plunge from 33.6 to -15.5
Bank of England (BOE) cut interest rates to 0.1%

France and Spain ban all non-essential activities
Canada closes borders to foreign travelers
England to shut schools
European Union closes external borders
China Expels American Journalists
UK national lockdown

Atlanta mayor declares state of emergency in city
House lawmakers indefinitely postpone return to Washington
Supreme Court, for first time since 1918, postpones oral arguments
Canadian border closes
Government bailout requests top $1 trillion
Congressman insider trading

Closure of restaurants, bars in Washington state will last 2 weeks and may be extended
NY City Schools, Restaurants and Bars Are Shut Down
Chick-fil-A closes dining room doors
T-Mobile Closes Indoor Mall Stores
T-Mobile closes 80% of corporate retail stores
Bay Area counties ordered to shelter in place
Automakers temporarily shut down factories
Malls shut down
Hollywood Studios Halt Film And TV Production
Atlanta limits restaurants, closes bars
California issues order to ‘stay at home’

“Total F**king Carnage” – Global Liquidation Accelerates Despite Massive Monetary Intervention
3/16 updates