March 12, 2025

‘Play it down’: Trump admits to concealing the true threat of coronavirus in new Woodward book
The COVID-19 pandemic is about to enter its most treacherous phase
Fauci says US life won’t return to normal until deep into 2021

A majority of young adults in the U.S. live with their parents for the first time since the Great Depression
Continuing Jobless Claims Disappoint As Part-Time Jobs Recover, Full-Time Lags
New job postings are slowing, another sign the economic recovery is losing momentum
A Farewell Letter From An Independent Restaurant Owner

Hopes Dim for More Stimulus as Democrats Block Narrow G.O.P. Plan
Budget Deficit Hits Record $3 Trillion As US Spends 100% More Than It Collects YTD
Federal Spending Tops $6 Trillion for First Time; Deficit Tops $3 Trillion for First Time

Global Economic Recovery Shows Signs of Slowing

Black Lives Matter Protestors Overwhelmed by Counter-Demonstrators in Springfield, Oregon
Riots Have Hit 48 Of America’s 50 Largest US Cities, New Study Finds

“I Absolutely Cancel Myself”: GW Professor Under Investigation After Disclosing That She Is Not Black
The Truth, and the Anti-Black Violence of My Lies

Dramatic aerial photos reveal the devastation caused by 200 wildfires raging across West
Half Million People Evacuated in Oregon As Wildfires Spread, Arson Concerns Grow
This is what the Bay Area’s skies looked like today during the wildfires
Wildfires Blot Out Sun in the Bay Area
Wildfires closing in on Portland suburbs force massive evacuations