October 6, 2024

Our neighborhood seems to be popular with Jehovah’s Witness’. We get a visit from them at least twice a year. I’ll just politely accept their literature, close the door, then throw away the Watchtower material.

Here’s a rundown of key teachings of JW that makes them a cult:
– There is no Trinity
– The Holy Spirit is not a person, just a force
– Jesus was not God in the flesh, but Michael the Archangle becoming a human
– Jesus did not bodily resurrect
– JW is the only source of truth
– Do not believe in hell
– Only their church members will be saved
– Good works are necessary for salvation
– Only 144,000 people will enter heaven

More Reading:
Jehovah’s Witnesses – CARM
Four Dangers of the Jehovah’s Witness Organization – IRR
Jehovah’s Witnesses: Witnessing to the Witnesses – Probe
Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Trinity – Probe
65 questions every Jehovah’s Witness should be asked using the NWT
Statistics of Jehovah’s Witnesses – JWIC
Watchers of the Watch Tower World – Freeminds
Witness Inc
Watchtower Information Service
Beyond Jehovah’s Witnesses