March 25, 2025

Christmas break was pretty good. My parents and my grandmother drove over from Houston and stayed with us. This has been the first Christmas spent here in Atlanta since we’ve been married. Usually we just go over to Houston instead. So, we had to actually clean the house and get it all decorated. Fortunately, I got all last week off, so I had some time to help get the house ready for them to come over.

They arrived on Christmas Eve and that night we attended the ATPC Christmas Eve service. There were surprisingly few people there that night. Pretty much the only time we go to ATPC now when my parents come over to visit. But, we always get a warm welcome everytime we do go visit.

On Christmas Day, we got together with my aunt and uncle at a Chinese restaurant. Then we took a walk at Piedmont Park.

Friday, we went to Stone Mountain and met up with the Chen family for a picnic at the Carillon Bells. They brought some home-made zong-zi and bao-zi. Mmmm. And we found out that David’s son is attending the American Boy Choir.

After the picnic, we stayed for the Christmas shows at Stone Mountain Village.

On Saturday, we went to the mall for Dad to buy Sarena a jacket. And Shiow-Lih and I went shopping for a memory foam pillow and a watch for me.

On Sunday we visited ATPC again. I was surprised to see so many of the folks from the old youth group who came back. It was good to catch up on what people are up to now. It seems like I’m one of the few who still is in Atlanta.