March 26, 2025

We are going to try out homeschooling for our kids. The oldest is 5 and the youngest is 4. Though they will be in kindergarten, we’re going to start to teach them how to read and write and how to do simple math.

The Georgia laws requires kids that are 6 to attend school (whether it’s public, private, or homeschool). So, technically, we don’t have to do anything to comply with the Georgia laws this year. But, to comply with the laws to homeschool, there’s not really much to it.

You have to:
– Submit a declaration of intent with the local superintendent within 30 days of commencing the home study program and by September 1 annually thereafter.
– Submit monthly an attendance record.
– Write and retain an annual progress report.
– Administer and retain the results of a standardized test every 3 years beginning at the end of the 3rd grade
– Teach a minimum of 180 days per year, 4 1/2 hours per day.
– Teach reading, language arts, math, social studies, and science.
– And the parent must have a high school diploma.

Homeschooling Info (and forms) – GA DOE
School Systems & Superintendents
Georgia Laws – HSLDA
Georgia Law and Homeschooling – HEIR