March 9, 2025

A lot has been going on in the past several weeks. Of course, the new baby is keeping us all very busy. Zach is growing fast and is gaining weight quickly. My parents were here for over a month after the baby and left last week. Now, things are getting more back to normal and I was even able to bring the kids back to our weekly library visit last week.

The church has been very supportive of us with the new addition. Last night, a church member had us over for dinner. And 28 (!) people signed up to provide meals for us. That should last us over 2 months! Today, a woodworker in church gave Zach a wooden rattle that he personally made. How thoughtful!

Major changes has been happening in our church these past several weeks. Today, it was officially announced to the congregation that we’ll be moving to another location. There’s a lot behind that story, but it seems to be received well by most people. Last week, it was announced that the founding pastor of the church will be leaving. That news was more hard to take and we’re going to see how that will play out.

Another recent news is my brother, Tom, is engaged to be married this summer. My parents are quite happy to hear that. And they seem like a good couple together. So, our next family trip will be to Seattle, probably in July.

Work has been very busy lately. One of the Java developers quit last month. Now, we’re down to two. And this is in the middle of a major rewrite of our merchandising system. However, we do have a replacement and his first day will be tomorrow. is continuing to slowly grow. I have added Google AdSense banner to it to try to recoup some costs associated with running the website. And I’m trying to consider other ways to generate some revenue.

And top of all these, I’ve got some other projects that I’m trying to get off the ground. Needless to say, boredom is not a problem for me now.