March 10, 2025

Police help to disperse Northern Rock queues

Long lines formed at 72 branches across the country even before counters opened this morning.

The Bank’s decision to help Northern Rock – by guaranteeing funds of up to £31.5 billion – is the first time since 1973 that it has bailed out a High Street lender.

Interestingly, the article never says “bank run”, but that’s what it was.

From the Northern Rock website:

Dear Customer

May I begin by offering you my sincere apologies for any inconvenience you have suffered in dealing with Northern Rock during the last few days. Customer service is of paramount importance to us and due to the circumstances that surround us, you have been let down. Thank you so much for your patience, particularly when using our website which has been running very slowly due to the number of people working online.

Let me now reassure you. Your money is safe with us and if you want some, or all of it back, then you are perfectly entitled to it. Whilst you may have to wait a little longer than usual to receive it, you will get it. However, your savings are secure and there is no need for you to withdraw your money based on our recent announcement, and the widespread media coverage that has ensued. The Bank of England has agreed to provide a funding facility to enable us to manage through the current global liquidity crisis. They would not have done so, if we were not a solvent, adequately capitalised, well run bank. I hope this helps to reassure you.

Your custom is very important to us and I sincerely hope you choose to stay with us along with the vast majority of our customer base.

Yours sincerely

Adam J Applegarth
Chief Executive

16 September 2007

Crisis deepens for Northern Rock
Britons Withdraw Billions in Bank Run