March 9, 2025

1. Saved by grace
2. My family
3. Married for over 8 years
4. Still married to first wife
5. Able to get a loan for a new house
6. Have money in the bank
7. Able to work from home
8. Not in debt
9. Healthy kids
10. Cute baby to play with
11. Laptops
12. Sprint PPC-6700
13. EVDO
14. Have clean running water
15. Don’t have a terminal disease
16. Able to read and write
17. Able to own 2 cars
18. Have a retirement account
19. Able to go to any church I want
20. Able to taste food
21. Air conditioning
22. Don’t have insomnia
23. Have good health insurance
24. Have a good name
25. Toilets
26. Showers
27. A bunch of good restaurants within 30 miles
28. Dishwasher
29. Not much pressure at work
30. A boss that doesn’t micromanage
31. A comfortable bed
32. I can pay all my bills in full
33. Been able to travel to foreign countries
34. Not stalked by anybody
35. Not on anybody’s hit list
36. I’m a US citizen
37. Don’t live paycheck to paycheck
38. Wife is able to be a stay-at-home mom
39. Kids are able to be homeschooled
40. Able to get good cheap sushi
41. Not divorced
42. Not paying alimony
43. Not paying child support
44. Never had to declare bankruptcy
45. Still have my original teeth
46. Not blind
47. Have friends that would call me out of the blue
48. Having in-laws that don’t hate me
49. Having in-laws that I don’t hate
50. Access to doctors whenever I want
51. Email
52. Smoothies
53. Don’t have to wear a suit everyday
54. Don’t have to drive during rush hour
55. Don’t have to drive at all to work
56. Can browse the net while working
57. Haven’t maxed out my credit cards
58. Don’t have a police record
59. Libraries
60. Books
61. Harmonica
62. Average temperature is not 10 degrees higher
63. Deer sightings from front window
64. Freedom
65. Treo with Goodlink
66. Finally having a home with a basement
67. A grocery store with half a mile
68. Live in a time where there is no racial segregation
69. Enjoy my work
70. Decent pay from work
71. Opportunity to have served in church as youth leader
72. Not too tall
73. Not too short
74. My forum
75. Friends from past churches
76. Kids that are obedient most of the time
77. Not living in a country being bombed at
78. Eradicated the ants coming inside the house
79. Able to go to most restaurants without thinking if I can afford it
80. Able to buildup a good resume
81. Living in the electronic age
82. Have free will
83. Living in God’s sovereignty
84. Able to rent out old house
85. Have a tenant that loves the house
86. Have a tenant that pays on time
87. Weekly Asian men’s Bible study
88. A good Thai restaurant that is closeby
89. Able to walk to church
90. Our church has a good preacher
91. Church is small enough to get to know people
92. People come to mow my grass every week
93. Kids love weekly Awana program
94. Live in a time where science is validating Christianity
95. A library that is within a mile
96. A park that is within 2 miles
97. Never had a foreclosure
98. Only threatened with a lawsuit one time
99. Zach loves to learn
100. Kids love to read
101. Broadband internet connection