July 27, 2024

– Presented Creationism series at church
– Visited Virgin Islands
– Started trading stock options (Thanks Johnny)
– Visited Taiwan for grandmom’s 90th birthday
– Created a Facebook app
– Presented Truth Project at church
– Went to Hilton Head and Houston
– Kids learned how to ride bikes
– Sarena in public school while AV and Zach are homeschooled
– Assistant coach in Upward basketball
– Paid $4.29 a gallon for gas
– Got laid off from Verisign
– Attended High Tech Prayer Breakfast for first time
– Had to evict my tenant
– Bought an Aspire One
Found a job with the CDC
– Can almost do 3 ball shower juggling and still working on 4 ball fountain
– Experienced the most tumultous economic crisis in recent history and still is going on